Friday, December 11, 2009

Gingerbread Men!!

"Run, Run, as fast as you can!!!  You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!!""

We have been very busy reading about the Gingerbread Man!  Here is a picture of the ones we just made.  As soon as they dry... we can decorate them!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Pictures

We are learning about weather and seasons.  After learning about winter, we made snow pictures!!




Chinese Acrobats

We loved watching the Chinese Acrobats!!  We can't believe everything they could do!!





We have 2 new six year olds in room 31!!

Happy Birthday to Caitlynn and Mia!!


Thanksgiving Feast

The food was sooo yummy!!  We are thankful for our families and all of the food that they donated.  We had a great time!!






Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Wednesday is our Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast!!  We will be eating a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the cafeteria around 1:30pm with all four kindergarten classes.  Thank you to all who have donated items so far!  There are still a couple more things that we could use.  We need juice boxes (just for our class) and a pumpkin pie.  If you are willing to donate either of these items... please let me know!  Thanks so much!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A 2nd Grade Helper

Tashaun is a second grader who came to help us in our room. 


A New Student

Naki is a new student in our classroom.  "He is doing very well.", says Nelson!
We are glad he is in our room!!



Nelson's Birthday



Pie in the Face

It was so fun to see Mr. Michaels get pie on his face!!  They used duct tape to keep him still.  We laughed at him!!



Tailgate Party

We had fun at the tailgate party.  We ate lots of food like apples, pretzels, chips, cookies, and had juice.  Thank you to all the moms who came to help us at the tailgate party!!







We played shape Bingo!  It was fun!




Student of the Month

Devin was our latest student of the month!  He is a great role model!  He listens when others are talking, walks in the halls, and helps his friends.  Great job Devin!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grandparent's Luncheon

Here is a big 'thank you' to all of our visitors for lunch today!!  We always enjoy having guests at lunch time!  It gave many of us something to write about in writing workshop!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book Fair This Week!

Our Annual Fall Book Fair is this week!  Wednesday is Grandparent's Lunch Day.  Thursday is our class' turn to attend the fair and also Family Night from 3:30-6:00pm.  Please plan on supporting this great event.  Not only do they offer great books to our students, but proceeds also benefit our school! 

Happy "Halloween" Birthday!

Do you think it would be fun to have a birthday on Halloween??  Well, you could ask Nyre all about it!  Nyre, in our class, turned 6 on Saturday(Halloween)! He LOVES Halloween!  Here is a picture of us celebrating in our room!  As you can see on the graph... now we have two students who are 6 years old in Room 31.

Visitors From Miss McQuown's Class

Miss McQuown's Class learned all about pumpkins.  They knew we were learning about pumpkins too.  Some students came down to our room to read us the pumpkin book they wrote as a class.  They even let us keep a copy, and they gave us our very own pumpkin to keep!  We were very excited!


Thank you Miss McQuown's Class!!

Macaroni Necklaces

We were practicing patterns so we made macaroni necklaces!!  The pasta was all different shapes, sizes, and colors.  We wore our pattern necklaces all day! It was sooooo fun!!