Wednesday, June 8, 2011


It is so hard to believe that it is the last day of school! I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked this year! I will miss you all! Come back and see me when you are First Graders!! Keep reading over the summer... and remember to thank your Moms and Dads for all of their help this school year! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3 Millionaire Bucks in 1 Day! Great Job Olivia Jayce & Christina!

Thank you to Makya for our 'end of the year' snack!

Thank You Fifth Grade for sharing your career books with us!

Are we really FIRST graders?! YES we are!

Could this be our LAST class picture??

We have had the best year! We are sad to see it go!

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Sing-A-Long with Mrs. Radspinner!

Happy Summer Birthday Jordan!

Tre'Von and his friends put on a concert!

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

18 New Blog Posts

I know I have been a little behind the past two weeks on blog posts... so here you go!! 18 new posts today!!! Enjoy!

Summer Birthdays #'s 3 & 4!

Gabriel & Jayce

Summer Birthday #2!


Summer Birthday #1!


Klair... the best ABC Workstation Paper this Round! She found over 30 words!

Delicious!... Especially with the Butter we MADE!!

I Will! I Will!

Who Will Help me Eat the Bread??

It's Ready!

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Who Will Help Me Bake the Bread??

A Concert by Ava!

Thank You for Your Hospitality Mrs. Beiter!

Popcorn and Charlotte's Web!!

Tre'Von Relaxing at the Keep Book Picnic!

Keep Book Picnic!

Kameron Reading!

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Red Hat Day!

Anthony earns a Millionaire Buck in the Cafeteria!

Our Final Storytime with Nonnie!

Thank You!

Time to Make Our Own Pretzels!

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Time to Eat!

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