Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Thank you to all the parents who donated food and who came to help!

Time to Feast!

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Working hard on Sequencing!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wish List

Please look at our wish list on the right hand side of this page!!  I added four items to the top of the list!!  These are items we will need for some upcoming holiday projects in December!!

Hot Chocolate
Microwave Popcorn
Mini Marshmallows (white)

Thank you for all that you do to support our classroom!!
Fire drill on a Friday!

Working hard at work stations! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Please wear RED, WHITE, and BLUE on Friday in honor of Mr. Veldhuis!  He was sworn in as a US Citizen today!  We are proud of you Mr. V!!!
Our first grade buddies from Mrs. Bower's room came to do a play for us! We loved it! 

Miss Perchinski is reading to us!!!

Our Thanksgiving Feast is coming up!!

Relaxing for a story with Mrs. Zerbe!

We are learning to measure in math class!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A huge THANK YOU to our Veterans!  


Millionaire Buck!

Pajama Day was SOOOO fun!!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Simon's Snow-mo Sapien!!

Trick or Treat!

Look at the surprise guests that trick or treated at my house... Ellie and Cole!
Happy 6th Birthday, Miracle!

Aidan Playing Football!

I watched Aidan play football in the rain on Saturday!  It was so cold but he played great! Check out the next post... It started to snow!!
Aidan playing football in the snow!!  Brrrr!

Fall is in the air!

Time to compare and contrast: apples & pumpkins!

We won third place!

A pajama party will be coming soon!  We are hoping for November 9th!
Thanks to all of our walking sponsors, our class won third place for most money raised!  We won a pajama party!  Date and time to be announced soon!


Which fairy tale do you like best?  You can vote on our on-line blog poll!  We voted in our classroom!  Here are our results.

Mr. Michaels... Pie in the Face!!

Nice Aim, Charley!

Charley also got to throw a pie!
Go Aidan!

Aidan was picked to throw a pie at Mr. Michaels!!
Yeah Bryant!!

Bryant got to help duct tape Mr. Michaels to the pole!
Thank you CSA!!

Eating our healthy snack after all that exercise!
Running!  Look closely for the green alien who ran with us!

All of Kindergarten getting ready to walk and run for the Walk-A-Thon on Friday!