Sunday, January 29, 2012

Violin Recital

Anna and Charley just finished their violin recital!  Great job girls!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

We won!!!  Thank you for helping us to collect the most box tops and soup labels in the whole school!!!  

Here are some upcoming math skills to practice at home...

1. Counting by 2's
2. Counting Backwards from 22 to 0.
3. Writing Numbers to 100!
4. Identifying Coins: Penny, Nickel, Dime, and Quarter!

We got to add 2 pieces to the mystery puzzle at the library!!

Thank you to our second grade guest readers!!

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Koki, Nelson, Xavier, Megan, and Karmin
We are reading books about all different kinds of families!  

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Here we are reading the Napping House!
Great Job Aidan!!

Vada, Thank you for giving us a violin concert!!

Nice Job, Amelia!

Hey, hey, hey...

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We learned about Bill Cosby!!!
Working at work stations!!

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Snowman Estimation!!

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We read soooo many Jan Brett books!  The Mitten was one of our favorites!!

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Happy 6th Birthday, Bryant!!

We are kind like Martin Luther King, Jr!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Queen Chiarra" in her bed!!!!

How Big is a Foot?
BOX TOPS ARE DUE TOMORROW!!!!!! Please help us win a popcorn party and maybe even an extra recess with Mr. Michaels!!!
Thank you for being respectful, Sydney!

Order of Events!

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We are still collecting box tops and soup labels for the school wide contest that ends on the 20th!!

No, Jack!!

Miss Bennett's cat tried to take a Millionaire Buck!!  I wonder who will earn it at school today??
We made our last name chart!

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December 22nd... 

Holiday Party!!  We made gingerbread men and then we ate them!
December 22nd...

Sing a Long with Mrs. Radspinner!
December 21st!!

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Happy Birthday, Simon!!