Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Decorah Eagles

The second eaglet hatched today!  We are having so much fun watching them and have learned so much!  Just one more egg to go!!  Don't forget, you can watch at home too!  Click the words below to connect to the live camera feed!  Warning... it is VERY addicting!

Tuesday, April 3rd

Tuesday, April 3rd is a Day 1.  We have art class.  Mr. Jonasen has asked me to remind the students to wear old clothes... as they may get a little messy!!  Sounds like fun to me!


After having two weeks off for PSSAs, we start going back to ABC every day 4 this Friday!!  Please meet at the gym at 8:45am and not at our classroom! Mr. V and the 5th graders will be ready to jump start our day with some great activities!

Red, White, and Blue Day

Friday is Red, White, and Blue day!!  Please wear one, two, or all three of these colors on Friday in honor of a VERY special guest visiting JHC!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lunch Change...

Friday's lunch choice has changed. The main lunch will be meatball sub instead of cheese sticks!!

Papers Due...

Conference forms are coming home in your child's backpack today!!  Please confirm your time and return them ASAP!

Also... if you have not returned your School Choice Form yet, please do so! This will help ensure you get the school of your choice (Cochran!) for next year!

Eric Carle

We are reading books by Eric Carle!  We LOVE them!  Here is a link to his website! Feel free to check it out!

Aidan wrote his numbers by 2's to 100!!!

Tyler earned a Millionaire Buck for having perfect attendance!!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scholastic Book Clubs

Click on the picture to see how you can order your child's favorite Scholastic Books online!! Each book order benefits our classroom!  Thanks for your support!
Azila earned a Millionaire Buck!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Eagle Watching!!

We check in on the Decorah Eagles EVERY day!  You can too!!  (We named the dad Henry and the mom Henrietta!)


1.) Tomorrow is Book Fair Day! We visit the Book Fair as a class at 9:55am. In addition, you are invited to come to eat lunch with your student and visit the book fair at the same time.  Our lunch tomorrow is at 11:00am!!  We hope to see you there!

2.) School Choice Forms are due back as soon as possible.

3.) Picture forms are due this Thursday!

First Grade Play

We went to Mrs. D's first grade class for a play!  They did a great job!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

We will miss you, Miss Perchinski!!

Relay for Life

Please support me and the Cochran Cruisers as we raise money for the American Cancer Society.  We will be participating in the Williamsport Relay for Life Event on May 18th & 19th! Every dollar counts... Thank you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Congratulations to Simon and his Odyssey of the Mind Team for winning 1st place and a Ranatra Fusca  Creativity Award at the OM Competition in Berwick on Saturday!

We are proud of you!