Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Go Celtics!!

Kareem made me a Celtics Cat!!

Millionaire Buck!!

Nice job Amiyah!!

Does this fit??

Isabel in Miss Bennett's skirt!!

Stripes and Polka Dots

Learning How to Floss!

Guest Reader!

Retelling Cards

We can be dentists, too!!

Dental Health Month

Miss Sara taught us all about our teeth!!

Comparison Number Stories

Adding and Subtracting with Mrs. Baughman!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun Pasta Fundraiser

Hello Everyone!!  Cochran's Relay for Life Team is having a fundraiser selling "Fun Pasta."  Take a  look at the link below.  If you click, shop now, you can look at all the different types of pasta available.  There is basketball pasta, ballerina pasta, ABC pasta, official team pasta, etc.  If you would like to order... you have two options.  You can order directly from the website and the pasta will ship to you (but you will have to pay shipping).  Or you can look at the online catalog and then tell me (Miss Bennett) what you would like to order.  I will then place the order for you (no shipping costs).  Thanks in advance for your support!!